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Migration to LIGO v. 1.0

Exciting news, LIGO has released version 1.0! We made sure to fit in this release a number of pending breaking changes, so that our users do not need to catch up with small breaking changes every release, and can handle the migration in bulk. Please continue reading to learn which changes may affect your existing codebase.

All syntaxes

No more main function

You should not manually craft a main function that calls your entry points anymore. Instead, above each entry point function, you can now write @entry for JsLIGO or [@entry] for CameLIGO. This will cause a main function to be automatically generated behind the scenes.

If you need more fine-grained control, it is still possible to write a main function, but you will need to add @entry or [@entry] above that main function (and only that function). See the documentation on the main function and entry points for more details on how to do this.

Views can be declared in a similar way with @view for JsLIGO and [@view] for CameLIGO.

As the use of @entry or [@entry] (and @view or [@view]) in the source is now mandatory, it is not possible anymore to rely on the auto-detection of the main function as the sole entry point, and it is not possible anymore to specify a entry points via the -e function on the command-line or views via the --views / -v options.

Another consequence of this change is that, when originating a contract for tests, Test.originate now take as an argument a module containing multiple entry points instead of a single function, i.e. a single entry point

We are also rolling out a new feature allowing the addition, removal and update of dynamic entry points for a contract after deployment. This could be a useful feature for example when building a DAO which allows on-chain vote to upgrade its code (or a DAO which controls the code of another separate contract). For more information, see the documentation and the reference for this feature.


Uniform calling convention for views and entry points.

Views used to be functions taking a tuple, they are now functions taking two arguments:

// @entry
const set_storage = ([new_storage, _old_storage] : [int, int]): [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), new_storage]

const get_storage = ([_, storage] : [unit, int]): int => storage

is now written

const set_storage = (new_storage: int, _old_storage: int): [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), new_storage]

const get_storage = (_: unit, storage: int): int => storage

contract_of and parameter_of

The aforementioned changes to @entry and the main function have affected how contracts are tested, starting from v0.64.2 (changelog). See the documentation on testing for examples on how to use contract_of and parameter_of.


export and @private now have the expected effect

Previously, all declarations would be exported regardless whether export, @private or neither was used.

In LIGO v1, JsLIGO definitions which are not marked with export are not exported, and CameLIGO definitions which are marked with @private are not exported. In other words, the default for JsLIGO is now to make definitions private unless specified otherwise with export, and the default for CameLIGO is now to make definitions public unless specified otherwise with [@private].

Furthermore, in JsLIGO nested namespaces need to be exported in order to be accessed, e.g.

namespace Foo {
export namespace Bar {
export const x = 1

const y = Foo.Bar.x


The comb layout is now used by default

Some types can have several isomorphic representations in Michelson, and LIGO allows choosing between two of these, comb and tree, via an @layout decorator (e.g. @layout("comb") in JsLIGO, or [@layout comb] in CameLIGO). See the documentation on layouts.

Previously, the default layout was tree, and in LIGO v1, the default becomes comb.

The rationale is that the comb layout is usually more optimal, especially for records: records with a comb layout are compiled to Michelson combs, which have better support and look more readable. The comb layout is also more predictable / less surprising, because the fields are in declared order instead of alphabetical order. The comb layout can be less efficient for variants, but the difference should not be significant in most cases. For more info on why this change happened, see Why did the default datatype layout change to @layout comb?

If your project has a stable ABI that other tools rely on, you might need to manually annotate the type of entry point arguments and the entry point return types with @layout("tree") / [@layout tree].

Once reaching the optimization phase of your development process, youu may wish to try annotating large variants (which contain many cases) with @layout("tree") / [@layout tree] and comparing the size and gas consumption of the compiled contracts.


A small set of annotations / decorators are now supported

  • @entry
  • @dyn_entry
  • @inline
  • @view
  • @no_mutation
  • @private
  • @public
  • @annot
  • @layout

These annotations / decorators should now be written without prefixing them with a comment, e.g.

const my_entry_point = (_: unit, n: int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), n];

instead of

// @entry
const my_entry_point = (_: unit, n: int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), n];

There are also two internal annotations / decorators, which should not appear in normal source code:

  • @thunk
  • @hidden



Field and tuple component access

Fields can be accessed with dot notation stuff.y and brackets stuff["y"] interchangeably:

const stuff = {
x : "foo",
y : { universe : [42, "life", true] }

const part : bool = stuff.y["universe"][2];



Short notation for tez and mutez

You can now write 3tez or 3mutez instead of 3 as tez or 3 as mutez. This convenient feature was already present in CameLIGO and is now available in JsLIGO too!


New bitwise operators

The following operators have been added, and can be used with nat and bytes.

  • & Bitwise and
  • | Bitwise or
  • ^ Bitwise xor
  • << Bitwise left shift (the shift amount is always a nat\, even when shifting bytes`)
  • >> Bitwise right shift (the shift amount is always a nat\, even when shifting bytes`)

Here are examples of these operators in context:

const zero: nat = 2n & 1n; // Bitwise and
const two_bytes : bytes = 0x11 & 0x10

const five: nat = 4n | 1n; // Bitwise or
const three_bytes : bytes = 0x11 | 0x10

const three : nat = 2n ^ 1n; // Bitwise xor
const one_byte : bytes = 0x11 ^ 0x10

const four : nat = 2n << 1n // Bitwise left shift
const five_one_two : bytes = 0x0100 << 1n

const one : nat = 2n >> 1n; // Bitwise right shift
const zero_bytes : bytes = 0x01 >> 1n


Changes to pattern matching

JsLIGO's pattern matchin is inspired by the ECMAScript Pattern Matching proposal. This section covers some of the changes this implies.

The new when keyword makes pattern matching more explicit.

Furthermore, pattern matching is now a keyword, it is not anymore a function taking an object with cases as fields.

The do { ... } expression is equivalent to the (() => { ... }) () thunk, i.e. it allows a block of code containing statements (like const xyz = ... or return 42) to be used where an expression is expected.

Therefore, a simple pattern matching like the following:

const force_positive = (key: string, dict: map<string, int>) => {
return match(Map.find_opt (key, dict), {
Some: (val : int) => {
if (val >= 0) {
return val;
} else {
failwith("Negative value.");
None: () => failwith("Not found.")


const force_positive = (key: string, dict: map<string, int>) => {
return match(Map.find_opt (key, dict)) {
when(Some(val)): do {
if (val >= 0) {
return val;
} else {
failwith("Negative value");
when(None()): failwith("Not found.")

Pattern-matching on lists uses the syntaxes when([]) and when([head, ...tail]):

type storage = [int, list <int>];
type parameter = list <int>;
type returnx = [list <operation>, storage];

let main = (p : parameter, s : storage) : returnx => {
let storage = match (p) {
when([]): s;
when([hd,]): [s[0] + hd, tl]
return [(list([]) as list<operation>), storage];

Furthermore, there are a few changes to how patterns are written:

  • Patterns for parameterless constructors take a () within the when(...), therefore Nil: () => 1 becomes when(Nil()): 1
  • Patterns which match a constructor containing a tuple work similarly, e.g. Cons: (pair) => pair.1 + f(pair.2) becomes when(Cons(pair)) => pair.1 + f(pair.2)
  • Patterns with one variable per parameter are written as expected: Foo: (a, b) => a + b becomes when(Foo(a, b)): a + b


_ is now a valid variable name and can't be used for its former throw-away semantics

Previously, following the tradition of some functional languages, _ was used to discard the value bound to it, e.g.

// don't do this anymore
const f = () => {
let _ = some_check();
return match (foobar) {
when([]) : "empty list";
when([_, ..._]): "non-empty list";

Instead, _ is now a normal variable name, following the JavaScript and TypeScript tradition, where _ is used as a short name for a namespace containing many utilities, e.g. as an alias for the lodash library. This means that the code above should now assign unique names to the discarded value, like so:

// don't do this anymore
const f = () => {
let _chk = some_check();
return match (foobar) {
when([]) : "empty list";
when([_hd, ..._tl]): "non-empty list";

If multiple _ variable are bound in the same scope, it will result in an error (duplicate block-scoped variable) just as in TypeScript. However, it is still possible to shadow a _ within a smaller scope, e.g. if _ is globally defined as an alias for another module, a function can still specify _ as an argument name and shadow the global definition, which could cause issues. It is wise to skim over existing code for such cases.


Imports are now automatically re-exported

When a module is imported e.g. with #import "foo.jsligo" "Foo" inside the file bar.jsligo, it is automatically re-exported.

For example, a third file importing bar.jsligo as Bar can write Bar.Foo.x to access the x defined in foo.jsligo




Field and tuple component access

Fields and tuple components can be accessed with the same dot notation:

let stuff = {
x = "foo";
y = (42, "life", { universe = true });

let part : bool = stuff.y.2.universe


Package management: use ligo.json instead of package.json or esy.json

Users often work with JaveScript toolchain alongside ours. Using package.json to manage both is tricky. It's better to have a separate manfiest to manage ligo dependencies. We therefore now use a separate ligo.json maninfest to manage LIGO packages.

As part of this change, we are no longer using the esy tool for package management, and the installation.json file, formerly located at _esy/ligo/installation.json, should now be moved to _ligo/ligo/installation.json.
